
Treatments For Folliculitis

Folliculititis is an uncommon skin condition that occurs when there is an obstruction or infection in a small cavity in the skin known as hair follicle papilloma. It usually causes swelling and redness of the affected area. Follicularulitis can also create these follicles swollen and red.


Follicularulitis has no known cause and is not a form of chronic skin disease but is more of an irritation that is caused by a fungus, a virus or bacteria that may have come from a source other than the hair. The reason it may occur is usually due to a weakened immune system or an increased sensitivity to various environmental irritants.


One thing which is quite common in folliculititis cases is the growth of keratin plugs, called "pustules". Pustules are a raised growth on the skin, which has little color and is filled with pus. They can be found all over the scalp. Pustules can also become painful and they may even bleed if they become inflamed.


Follicularulititis is not a form of chronic skin disease. It is generally treated with topical and oral medications that are designed to help alleviate inflammation, pain and itchiness.


This type of infection can occur in many areas of the body, although it is usually a sign of something else and is not a form of chronic skin disease. Follicularulititis occurs most often in the head, neck, scalp and armpits. These areas are rich in hair shafts.


Many natural treatments exist for this infection and some people find relief using home remedies. One home remedy that is considered very effective is the use of natural oils. There are also some creams that are used to treat folliculitis and they can help with the itching and burning caused by the infection.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary. In the event of surgery, there are two types: one involves excision of the follicula which is the infected portion of the follicle, and another involves cutting the hair from the affected area.


Follicularulititis can be a frustrating condition that can cause depression and frustration. Treatment is best done early and the patient can try various home remedies or herbal or homeopathic remedies to relieve their symptoms.


Treatment for folliculitis can be done over the counter, with over the counter medications such as naproxen or ibuprofen


If you have an infection, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Your symptoms may go away on their own but they can also get worse.


If you don't want to take medication, there are topical antihistamines available on the market which can help to relieve the itching and burning associated with folliculitis. For severe cases of folliculitis, you may need to see your physician to discuss other options.


Other home remedies may involve the application of petroleum jelly on the scalp. Some people find relief from applying aloe vera on the scalp.


There are several topical creams and ointments available that can be applied directly to the affected areas. You may want to try using zinc oxide.


As long as you keep your follicles healthy, you should be able to live a normal life, and many people with chronic skin conditions do. There are a variety of things which can cause folliculitis but they are all treatable.


When it comes to treating your symptoms, there is no better option than to keep your head as clean and dry as possible. The more moisture that you have in your scalp, the less likely you will have a recurrence of the condition.


Oiliness may be caused by many different factors. One of the most common causes is allergic reactions to shampoo and conditioners.


You may be surprised at the number of things that can trigger the occurrence of this condition. If you suspect that there may be an allergic reaction, you should visit your physician who can test for allergies or suggest changes in your lifestyle.