
How To Correct Pectus Carinatum

Pectus carinatum is a term used to describe the deformity of the pectoral muscles which lie below the chest. It can occur in many different ways and can range from mild to severe depending on the extent of the deformity. It is a cosmetic deformity that can be easily corrected, and some of the procedures are described here.


First, you should understand how the pectoral muscles work so that you can better understand what to expect from the surgery. When the pectoral muscles are contracted correctly, it will make your chest look wider. The problem occurs when the muscles are over-stretched and it causes the pectoral muscles to sag causing the chest to appear longer than it actually is.


During contraction, two muscle contractions occur. Contractions of the upper muscles cause the chest to rise, and contractions of the lower muscles cause the chest to lower. These muscle contractions can cause pectus carinatum as they occur naturally during pregnancy. This can be very problematic for those women who have larger breasts than they want.


If your muscle contractions are more than 10% less than normal, you may have a ribcage and need to act. This deformity is usually seen in obese women, and sometimes excess fat can exacerbate the deformity. If you are concerned about this condition, then it's time to start changing your body by losing weight and adding muscle mass, detoxification. This will help correct this deformation.


Secondly, you must understand what kind of surgery you should expect to adjust the pectoral muscles. There are two types of pectoral muscle surgery: reduction surgery, which helps to shrink the breasts, and enlargement surgery, which increases the size of the breasts. The pectoral muscles will be completely removed and replaced with new muscle to form a completely new breast. Each type of surgery has its own risks and complications, so you need to talk to your surgeon carefully before deciding which surgery to perform.


Thirdly, you must understand that the operation will not completely change the shape of your breasts, but rather make it more symmetrical.


To do this, a silicone implant is placed under the breast tissue in a less visible area, and scarring of the pectoral muscles will be minimal


Fourth, your surgeon will place a device under the pectoral muscles that pulls the pectoral muscles to the right or left so that you have a symmetrical chest. This device is called a breast lift.


Finally, you should understand that the surgery will not correct the deformity itself, but it can be used to make your chest look much larger. If the scarring is more pronounced than is natural, you may want to consider wearing a bra, but even then you will not have breasts that are the exact same size as they were before the surgery. Breast lifts can give you a more realistic appearance and make your breasts appear larger. Many of these surgical procedures are cosmetic, but you can also opt to have the implant or breast lift fixed if it causes excessive scarring.


Your surgeon's office will give you instructions on what to expect after your procedure. He or she will explain the recovery process and then tell you how to care for the healing site after the procedure. You will be instructed to rest at least four weeks, then follow the post-op instructions carefully.


After your operation, you will have a small wound which is filled with silicone and then bandaged and covered with a pad to protect the pectoral muscles from any infection and to protect them from irritants in your skin. You may have to apply an antibiotic cream for a few days after the surgery, then to keep the wound clean and to prevent any scarring.


Follow up post-op treatment is important. As mentioned before, scarring is one of the risks of surgery, but the best thing you can do is see a surgeon who will make the best recommendation for your case and the level of scarring that you have. Talk to him or her about the best post-op treatment for pectus carinatum.