
Early Signs of Lung Cancer – What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Early lung cancer symptoms are very important because they can often help to determine whether or not it is a true diagnosis. This is especially important if you have never had any symptoms and it may be a symptom of something else. There are four basic symptoms of lung cancer that will be discussed in this article.


Early signs of lung cancer include coughing and wheezing. If you experience either of these symptoms in your late 20's or early 30's, it is a good idea to visit your physician to find out whether or not you have lung cancer. You should also be sure to tell your doctor of any unusual pain that you experience in the chest or around the neck.


The first sign is more difficult to diagnose in a patient that does not have cancer in the lungs. This may include some slight shortness of breath. This symptom is usually caused by a tumor in the upper airway. If it does not appear to be cancer, but it is caused by some type of respiratory illness, then this may be a sign of a more serious problem.


The second sign of lung cancer is usually a sore throat, which may be accompanied by a cough or hoarseness. Other signs that are associated with lung cancer include difficulty breathing and feeling faint. Other symptoms include: a swollen breast or nipple or swelling in the feet. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to visit a doctor immediately.


The third sign of lung cancer is usually pain in the chest area. It may include pain that is shooting or stabbing, or pain that only occurs during coughing. If you feel pain that is constant or that is similar to the pain you experience when you have asthma or other forms of chest pain, then it is important to visit your physician.



The fourth sign of lung cancer is fatigue. This symptom will be more noticeable if you are experiencing shortness of breath, coughing or gasping for air, difficulty in swallowing, losing weight, losing sleep, nausea, or feeling weak in the legs. This symptom is more likely to occur if you are experiencing a chronic form of lung disease, especially if you have had a severe illness.


There are many things that you can do to prevent lung cancer from spreading throughout your body and becoming deadly


If you notice any of the signs or symptoms that have been mentioned above, then it is important to contact your physician as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any of these signs of lung cancer, then it is critical that you visit your doctor as soon as possible. This way, it will be easier for them to determine if it is indeed lung cancer or another type of illness causing the symptoms.


The more you know about any of the symptoms that you know about, the better your chances of avoiding potential cancer or other health problem. Early symptoms of lung cancer can often be an indicator of something else that requires alternative treatment.

Although lung cancer is relatively rare, it is imperative to see your doctor whenever you experience any symptoms or signs that could indicate a serious health problem. It is also imperative that you discuss your treatment options with your doctor so that they can help you understand your situation and get the best possible treatment.

If you or someone you love is experiencing these symptoms, the sooner you seek help for your health problem, the better the results will be in terms of lung cancer treatment options. As you come across early signs of lung cancer symptoms, it's important to always monitor for signs and symptoms and report them to your doctor.

It is also imperative that you understand your treatment options. The sooner you know what to look for, the sooner the doctor will make the correct diagnosis.

While you will need to watch closely, you may not always need to suggest any treatment options and detoxification. Early signs of lung cancer may indicate that more work needs to be done and that a thorough examination is needed.